Showing posts with label pet dental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet dental health. Show all posts
Monday, March 5, 2018

Your Pet's Dental Health Can Become A Medical Emergency

February was pet dental health month. How many of us took our pets to the vet for a dental checkup? Probably not enough of us.. Periodontal Disease in Pets is an often overlooked medical emergency especially in senior pets.
Did you know that untreated periodontal disease can have deadly consequences? Over 90% of pets at least 2 years of age have some form of periodontal disease. A proper diet, regular cleanings and natural supplements are essential for pet dental health. Many places offer anesthesia-free dental cleanings with a veterinarian’s supervision. Saving your pet's teeth and keeping your pet's mouth healthy is a priority. Please put your pet’s dental health on your schedule. Be sure to check with your veterinarian’s office to see when they might have a special for dental care and plan ahead. 

To learn more about how how your pet's dental health can become a medical emergency, click here to read the entire article.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is Tartar Making Your Pet Sick?

What is Tartar Accumulation?
Tartar, or calculus, is the advanced form of dental plaque. It is the result of a long and continuous accumulation of plaque that has been allowed to remain on and in between teeth. There are many  factors that lead to the accumulation of tartar including: age, health status, breed, oral hygiene, diet and mouth environment.

It is important to treat and control tartar accumulation for two very important reasons:
to maintain the health of teeth and gums
to guard against infection spreading to other parts of the body

If the plaque is not removed, it may start to combine with the saliva and begin to mineralize, into tartar, in just 3-5 days. If left untreated the tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed and red, pockets may form between the gums and the teeth and it can allow bacteria to grow, which could lead to tooth loss, bone loss and wide spread infection. 

However, good oral hygiene may not be enough to help your pet. Because saliva plays a role in tartar development, and the more acid in the saliva, the more rapid the build-up of plaque, stomach acids need to be managed. This is where diet and holistic supplementation can help. Feeding your pet a diet specifically designed to reduce the amount of plaque and tartar build up can help.  Raw frozen diets provide optimal nutrition for pets and can help with tartar accumulation.  The raw meat and bones will help to control the tartar by acting as a  gentle dental abrasive and the raw meat contains natural enzymes, that helps digestion and reduces acid.  The addition of holistic supplements such as; Power Probiotics, K9 Digestive, Lypozyme (for cats) and Gastro ULC, will further aid digestion will add another level of protection. 

Here are symptoms to watch for:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Sensitivity around the mouth
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Gums that are inflamed (red),or receding
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach or intestinal upsets
  • Drooling
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Irritability or depression