Showing posts with label siberian husky tied to railroad tracks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label siberian husky tied to railroad tracks. Show all posts
Friday, June 28, 2013

Siberian Husky Tied To Railroad Tracks Needs Loving Home

This Siberian Husky (possibly White Shepherd mix) male was tied up to the railroad tracks in South Los Angeles...with a chain he had no chance of freeing himself..  Animal cruelty to say the least. Thankfully a Good Samaritan called Animal Control in time WHO WOULD DO THIS? WHY?  Was this some type of gang revenge?
Does anyone recognize this dog? His left eye is very unusual; brown with blue spots.. If you have any information about where he came from OR WHO did this, pls contact us or Harbor Animal Shelter..He is currently in observation, being under the weather, malnourished & covered in fleas.
IF you would like to right what this poor dog has been through, please consider giving him a loving home. He is Impound NO 1402720 and Harbor shelter (City of L A) can be reached at: 1-888-452 7381..